Olmecs Colossal Head

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History 8A M-W 12:45-2:10 Student# 0745490 Colossal Head For the art portion of my American History Essay, I chosen to attempt and sculpt the Olmec's Colossal Head. The colossal heads show the head and face of a helmeted man, the heads are generally flattened at the back and not carved all the way around: they are meant to be viewed from the front and sides. Although some of the faces on the colossal heads may have similarities, none of them are exactly identical. According to LatinAmericahistory.about.com (this website was used for one of our homework's), the colossal head I chosen as a reference to my sculpture is known as Monument 1. Monument 1 was found in the city of La Ventain in the year of 1945; this colossal head was 7.9 feet in height and weighed about 24 tons. Exactly seventeen Olmec Colossal Heads have been discovered: ten at San Lorenzo, four at La Venta, two at Tres Zapotes and one at La Cobata. Six of the basalt heads weighs up to forty tons. Because La Venta was believed to be a city in the middle of a swap, The Olmecs had to travel more than fifty miles to collect the large stones. Exactly how they moved the rocks are unknown. Remarkably the Olmecs had no wheels or metal tools to assist them in the transport of the large stones. The Olmecs; also known as rubber people, existed around 1,500-400 BCE. The language that they spoke was called Nahuah. The Olmecs were the earliest and one of the most important civilizations in Mesoamerica. They developed cities, defined as population centers with political and cultural significance and influence as early as 1200 B.C. The Olmec were also known for making different types of rubbers; 3,000 years before it was invented in mid 19th century. They harvest materials from trees to produce the rubber. They were able to change the material of the rubber to make them more rigid or flexible.

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