Identify The Factors That Are Potential Barriers

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P2- Identify the factors that are potential barriers to access of health and social care service. Geographical barriers: Geographical barriers may include: • Lack of local health facilities, e.g. service user living in rural location, too many people using a service. • Lack of transport to health facilities. Physical barriers: Physical barriers are something like not being able to walk. This means that one cannot get around like other people. This can cause problems if someone needs to go to the doctors or hospital for a check up. Physical barriers may include: • Inadequate access to buildings for service users with poor mobility or wheelchair users. • Service users too weak as a result of illness to attend a health facility. • Service users too young to access services without help. There are many individuals who require services have mobility difficulties. This may be because of illnesses, elderly or wheelchair users find it hard to get to services. Service settings must be designed for every individual who finds it hard to get to services. Psychological barriers: Psychological barriers may include, fear, for example, the service user is too scared to leave home, anxiety, depression, the service user’s own belief that they cannot be helped, the service user failing to recognise their need for help, perhaps even ignoring the problem, a lack of understanding about low health facilities can be used. An example of psychological barriers to health services would be a fear of going to the chosen health service because of coming into contact with the super bug or even attending a physic and being scared to loose independence or of not wanting to be looked after. Financial barrier: A financial barrier is where someone is unable to afford to access something because they are unable to make the payments
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