Ass 1 Task 4; Explain How Children and Young People`S Development Is Influenced by a Range of External Factors.

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Ass 1 Task 4; Explain how children and young people`s development is influenced by a range of external factors. Some external factors that could influence children are; childcare arrangements, family, poverty previous education and where they live. If a child has been taken into care or has been moved around a lot this child could be unsettled and they might misbehave as they are afraid of rejection. This could also happen if a child`s parents separate the child would feel under pressure to choose a parent or that a parent might leave. Family can have a big effect on a child’s development for example if the child is an only child he / she will not know how to socialise with other children. If the child has a parent who has a long term illness then he / she is likely to spend a lot of time alone, so he / she would be withdrawn and `hang back` from many activities, also this child probably would spend most of his / her time indoors and their physical development might be delayed. If the child is abused or neglected he / she might be afraid of adults or children that are loud and this could affect all areas of development as the child would not be able to concentrate. Poverty can affect children`s development as children who are in poverty, would get less opportunities, as their family will not be able to afford to buy books, pens, puzzles and sports equipment. Also if the family cannot afford to buy enough food, the child might have trouble concentrating and absorbing information. This could have a negative effect on their intellectual and physical development. The child`s could feel ashamed of their home, family or clothes, which could in turn affect their social development and the way that they behave. Children who have had previous education are likely to do well in all areas of development, as they would have had access to lots of different

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