Identify 2 Recent Reports of a Failure to Protect Individuals from Abuse

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Identify 2 recent reports on serious failures to protect individuals from abuse. Winterbourne: The BBC’s Panorama filmed patients being pinned down, slapped, having cold water thrown over them and being constantly taunted and teased. This came about after whistleblower, Terry Bryan, had alerted the home’s management and the CQC on numerous occasions but his concerns were not looked into. After considering the evidence, the CQC found that Castlebeck Care, the owners of Winterbourne, had failed to protect the people living there from risk and harm, including unsafe practices from its own staff. They stated that: * There was a systematic failure to protect people in their care. * Castlebeck had failed it’s legal duty to notify the CQC of serious incidents including injuries and patients going missing. * Staff didn’t appear to understand the needs of the people in their care and some staff were too ready to use restraint without considering alternatives. * Background checks on staff weren’t carried out * Planning and delivery of care did not meet individual needs * They didn’t have good enough systems in place to assess and monitor the quality of services * They did not identify, and manage, risks relating to the health, welfare and safety of patients. * They had ignored their own complaints procedures * Staff investigations were not robust * They didn’t have agreements in place to protect people against unlawful or excessive use of restraints. * They failed to provide staff with appropriate training. Baby P Baby P was a 17 month old boy who died after months of abuse at the hands of his mother, her boyfriend and boyfriends brother. He suffered more than 50 injuries over an 8 month period during which time he was repeatedly seen by Haringey Chidrens Services, NHS health professionals and was on the Haringey Council’s

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