Hsm 541 You Decide 1

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Executive Summary – Middlefield is facing the high employee turnover, workforce shortage - especially of Nurses and low employee morale problems. Some of the findings about the causes of the problems are opening of the new hospital with better facilities and advanced technology for patient treatment and care, unavailability of quality instructors for nursing degree programs at universities. To tackle the problems, efficient use of existing Nursing workforce should be done in the short term. Whereas aggressive retention policies and increase in production of quality Nursing workforce should be long term strategies. Also Middlefield must ensure to increase the employee morale. Introduction – Middlefield Hospital’s employee turnover rate exceeds 20% and there are over 100 nursing vacancies. Some of the facts which might have caused the employee shortage are – 1. Opening of a new Hospital with better facilities and advanced technology for patient treatment and care. This has caused doctors to shift their patients from Middlefield to this new hospital. 2. Continually deteriorating employee morale over last 12 months. 3. Unavailability of quality instructors for the Nursing Degree programs. This has cause the interrupted supply of the Nursing workforce to the hospitals. Also because of this shortage of instructors Essex university is considering to shut down the Nursing Degree course. This will further deteriorate the situation for all the hospitals in the area. Analysis and Findings – 1. As it was highlighted that the employee Morale is continually deteriorating over last 12 months, this can be attributed to newly opened hospital because all other factors have not changed. It is also known that new hospital has better facilities and advanced technology for patient care and treatment. These are the things lacking at Middlefield. So

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