How To Write A Persuasive Letter To Americans

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Dear Honorable Titian: I understand the House of Representatives of the United States has just passed a bill which would do away with federal grants to college students. I am currently enrolled in college and depend greatly on the grants I receive. These grants allow great opportunity, for not just me, but for many other students as well. Taking them away would cause problems in several areas. The passage of the “Pick the Public’s Pocket No More” bill would lower college application rates, lower college graduation rates, and lower our country’s number of new college graduates for open positions in the work force. Without grants, many Americans would not be able to pursue college degrees because of the debt they would acquire financing their degree with loans alone. Federal grants allow young adults, who are the future of our country, to pursue a college degree without the full burden of college debts after graduation. (M) When considering whether or not to pursue a degree, many are persuaded to apply because they often receive grants to assist…show more content…
Our country prides itself on encouraging its citizens to better themselves through education. (P) While its priority has been high school graduation, many jobs now require college degrees, making higher education more important than ever. While I understand that every American should be expected to sacrifice during this hard time, just as we were in World War II, I feel that this particular sacrifice would put our country in an even worse state. (S) Our work force will not be prepared to handle nor understand the advancements that we have strived so hard to achieve. College is made to prepare students with the newest information possible, so that we can constantly be improving ourselves and be able continue to compete with the world’s leading nations. When our work force worsens, we will no longer be able to keep

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