College Should Be Free

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College Should Be Free For All Students College too many students mean a higher education that leads to a bright future. Of course, there is challenging work that needs to be fulfilled over a period, in order to meet the expectations of living life in a certain way. However, the hard work put into the dream of attending a university has a possibility of not coming true due to the lack of unfortunate families, competition, and lastly government decision-making. A funded education is needed for every upcoming generation. In addition, a modern country needs highly skilled graduates of all kinds. However, they are not able to because of the cost. If we do not have an education, we will not get a good job. If we do not get a job, we will not…show more content…
Therefore, college should be free to all qualified students because a modern country needs highly skilled graduates of all kinds and there are certain families who cannot afford to pay for the education of their children, even though with college being free for all students, this would mean that taxes for…show more content…
With the world being in an economic crisis, the first place to get a budget cut is education. If college tuition were free, there would be no worries on classes downsizing, budget cuts or teachers receiving layoff notices. If teachers were to be laid off then there would be no type of education. There would be no organized structure of running a university without administration. All of these major people involved with helping a campus succeed would be out of a job and like everyone else be in a need of help. College being free would mean higher taxes for Americans, but in the end, it will benefit the future by having intelligent citizens, brighter society, and a smart nation. In conclusion, college tuition being free allows everyone to receive a higher education and become an intelligent citizen instead of a gullible citizen. It gives people a chance to get a job, earn money and be able to have an amazing future. College is a place where you gain independence and learn something new every day. If everyone were given the opportunity to attend college for free, there would be much less stress on less fortunate families but more happiness because their child is going to make a difference in the future. Therefore, college should be free to all qualified
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