How the Setting in American Beauty Uncovers the Theme of Reality vs Illusion

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American beauty is a 1999 film directed by Sam Mendes and written by Alan Ball. It is a black comedy that gives insight on the invisible reality of a traditional American family. The film is set in modern American suburbia and the plot focuses on the character of Lester Burnham, a depressed 42 year-old father and husband. Enslaved by his job and his wife, Lester pursues happiness by rebelling against American Suburban culture. The storyline dwells primarily on the radical changes Lester makes in order to escape the “Suburban prison”, which involve him smoking marijuana and pursuing his daughter’s friend, Angela. Similarly to LA confidential, the movie highlights the theme of illusion verses reality by showing the dysfunction between the members of a seemingly normal family. The image that was selected demonstrates this theme, by showing how reality is often concealed by the superficial nature of things. Another important theme found in American Beauty is the one of happiness. Everything about this movie including setting, lighting, costumes and props relies upon these themes. In this scene, Carolyn and Lester’s loveless marriage is made apparent and Lester verbalizes his estrangement from his daughter, Jane. Thus, it is the first time that Lester and Carolyn do not interact in respect to their façades: their reality is finally revealed, meaning that the image of their perfect family is being destroyed by their clashing identities. The tagline of American Beauty is “look closer”, because the film emphasizes on the importance of looking beyond appearance to decrypt truth. The setting of the family dinner scene reveals the tension between the characters and reinforces the initial theme of appearance verses illusion. At first glance, the symmetry of the frame suggests that the scene is perfect, as symmetry is a traditional indicator of beauty. The table is laid out

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