Blow- The Movie Summary

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Blow Actor Johnny Depp plays the role of the cocaine smuggler George Jung in the 2001 movie “Blow” directed by Tedd Demme. The movie introduces young George watching his father struggle to maintain his small business. After his father’s business went bankrupt George decided that he never wanted to be broke. Leaving home, George and his best friend Tuna moved to California where they began a life of drug smuggling. After a few years he is caught by officials and serves time in prison, where he befriends Diego Delgado who teaches him about the cocaine industry. This takes his career to a new level. As his life spends out of control, George finds out that living a life full of drugs and money is not all its cracked up to be. During his childhood years in New England, Massachusetts George Jung watched his father, a small business owner, struggle to make ends meet and satisfy his mother. George looked up to his father calling him his hero. He witnessed several arguments between his parents over money resulting in her leaving them on several occasions. But his dad, deeply in love, took her back no matter how many times she left. For ten years his dad worked hard, but in the end it didn’t matter. His family lost everything when his father was forced to file bankruptcy, but tries to make George realize that money was not everything. He decided he still did not want to live a life of struggle. As a young adult, George, along with his best friend Tuna move to Manhattan Beach, California. There they began a life of selling marijuana. George’s girlfriend, Barbara Buckley was and airline stewardess who introduced George to Derek Foreal a main drug dealer. George, Tuna and Derek makes a lot of money but Kevin Dulli, a college student back in Boston informs them that the market in Boston is in high demand of marijuana. So they started bringing

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