How Has the Issue of Immigration Been Represented by Different Cartoonists?

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One cartoonist called victor Weisz, is sympathetic towards and empathises with immigrants, I can see this as he has drown with gloomy and sad faces this suggests that Weisz thinks that the immigrants have had a hard life. Also Weisz’s uses captions which contradict the picture in a number of his cartoons for example in another of his cartoons the caption reads “ Children of the empire” for this you would think that every child would be treated the same no matter what part of the empire they originate from. However the picture shows a news paper titled “the plight of the west indies” and over the paper is a young boy who has just read the paper. I know this because he looks sad and disappointed. This suggests that they are not being treated the same. Furthermore Weisz is critical of politicians in a number of his cartoons, for example in another of his cartoons he has drawn a big black door with a “No Entry” sigh on it. It could be said that this door represents England, outside is a family of African immigrants standing with all their belongings and staring hopelessly at a door. Once again by the expression of hopelessness on the immigrant’s faces we see that Weisz is sympathetic towards the immigrants. This picture is followed by the quote “The common wealth can be an example to other nations” this was said by the pirminester at the time who was McMillan. This cartoon is critical of politicians because by putting the quote with the picture of reality the audience can see how hypocritical McMillan is being, because if the common wealth really was an “example” then it would allow the immigrants entry. Once again Weisz is critical of politicians, as in his cartoon a wall as been graffiti on saying “stricter immigration control say Tories” and “stricter immigration control say labour” this suggests that Weisz thinks restricting immigration would a terrible

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