How Does Macbeth Makes The Mistake Of Bringing The Daggers

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Macbeth essay December 3, 2012 Macbeth Act II questions 1. The bell signals Macbeth to murder Duncan. Lady Macbeths’ role was to supply the daggers, and she made it look like the servants killed Duncan when it was Macbeth. 2. Nightmares are keeping Banquo awake, probably about Duncan being murdered. 3. Macbeth makes the mistake of bringing the daggers outside of the King’s chamber and not washing his hands. Lady Macbeth put’s the daggers back near the passed out servants, and puts blood on them to frame them. 4. Macduff and Lennox are knocking at the gate. They came to wake King Duncan because that is their job. 5. Malcolm goes to England, and Donalbain goes to Ireland. They have to escape because

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