Definition Essay On Hope

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“There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow” (Marden). Hope is powerful, and in times of uncertainty and hesitation, it’s the last thing relied on for strength, happiness, and encouragement. Hope can be beneficial with inspiring the soul when odds are against probability. However, if hope is all people rely on, they are sure to live a life full of disappointment. So what exactly is hope? Generally, hope is a wish or desire for something with the anticipation of its fulfillment.
The word “hope” has been around since 900 A.D., and originated from the Old English term hopa meaning “what is desired becomes possible.” Miriam-Webster dictionary defines hope in a few ways. Hope can be used as a verb, such as to cherish a desire with anticipation. For example, I hope to go to Disney World one day. Hope can also be used as a noun, meaning the belief of something wished for can be fulfilled. There’s hope of a cure. Synonyms of this word include trust, optimism, belief, expectation, and anticipation. Antonyms
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When people believe fulfillment is possible, they tend to gain the strength, incentive, and willingness to work for what they want. Hope can be a powerful source of happiness and success in times of stress and uncertainty. However, if a person “hopes” constantly in situations where contentment is impossible and based on unrealistic outcomes, time and time again the person will be disappointed. This is what we call “false hope”. So even though hope can bring encouragement, it can also cause distress. As Samuel Johnson once said, “Hope itself is a species of happiness, and, perhaps, the chief happiness which this world affords; but, like all other pleasures immoderately enjoyed, the excesses of hope must be expiated by pain” (“Hope Quotes”

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