Hockey Head Shots

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In the National Hockey League, head shots have become one of the most talked about issues surrounding the league today. Many believe that head shots are simply too dangerous to be allowed in the game any more. They are unarguably a dangerous tactic in the game, however it is necessary to keep them in the game and not to abolish them. Even though hitting someone, mid ice. with your shoulder to their head may be dangerous, it is merely part of the game, and keeps it very entertaining. Their should be restrictions on head shots, but not completely rid of them. Being injured in a fight is just about equal to the likelihood of being injured from a head shot. Hockey is a physical game, and it will remain like that, but even though head shots may be very dangerous they are also entertaining, and makes the game what it is. Physical. Understand, that the National Hockey League is a business, and as a business the primary objective is too generate revenue. It is an entertainment business, and as that, the players are simply the actors in this business. A head shot, as dangerous and ruthless as it may be is very entertaining, and is what keeps people watching at time. However as dangerous as they are, they should not be allowed in any other non professional hockey league on the globe. Just the National Hockey League. Why? Because the players make millions of dollars a year, and its there job to entertain, even if that means putting your body on the line. A army soldier makes not even 10 percent of what an National Hockey League player makes, meanwhile they are at a much higher (approximately 3 soldiers die per week, there has never been an on ice death related to an injury from playing hockey). Their have however been concussions from hockey, and a very high count, but that's how the game is. There should be restrictions on when, and how you check somebody in the head.

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