Sicko Reflection

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Reflecting on SiCKO Mark Karasin Rutgers University March 15, 2013 I was about 8 years old when it took three fractures within six months for me to realize that I do not have a future as an Olympic gymnast. The fortunate aspect of that experience was that my family did not pay for the x-rays, pins or casting of my brittle bones. Growing up in what used to be Soviet Union, and now a small Eastern European country called Lithuania, we did not have to pay for healthcare. And while many public services were free, the government owned system did have some major underlying flaws. Perhaps the biggest shortcoming was that there was no incentive for performance. Doctors, for example, would get the same salary regardless of the number of patients…show more content…
Moore is that 21 out of the top 30 best medical schools in the world are within US borders (Sedghi, 2011). I believe that America produces the best trained doctors in the world and working as a surgical technician at a community hospital with residents from Columbia Medical School, I am exposed to this element every week. In fact, it is not rare that I would ask an attending surgeon about the history of the patient and his/her response is that the patient was treated in another country (some of which are mentioned in the film like Cuba) and now we need to address the resulting complications, or that the patient came from another country seeking the best medical care from the surgeons…show more content…
(2013, March). Country Comparison. Retrieved from CIA - The World Factbook: Moore, M. (Director). (2007). SiCKO [Motion Picture]. Sedghi, A. (2011, May 4). The world's top 100 universities ranked for medicine, biology and psychology. Retrieved from The guardian: Spetz, J. (2012). Health Reform and the Health Care Workforce. Houston: James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy of Rice University. Tandon, A., Murray, C., Lauer, J., & Evans, D. (2000). Measuring overall health system performance for 191 countries. Retrieved from World Health Organization: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2012, June 21). The 80/20 Rule: Providing Value and Rebates to Millions of Consumer. Retrieved from Ungar, R. (2012, June 25). Busted! health insureres secretly spent huge to defeat health care reform while pretending to support Obamacare. Forbes

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