Hiv Stigma Essay

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This assignment will describe my client’s lived experience pertaining to stigma due to a life threatening disease. The purpose of this paper is to explore my client’s phenomena to understand why individuals get stigmatized by society. In writing this paper I will follow LEARN framework (College of Nurses of Ontario, 1996), which will assist me in critical reflection of the chosen concept of stigma. I will synthesize the definition of stigma from three articles, elaborate on attributes, antecedents and consequences of stigma; discuss risk factors that may prevent successful adaptation of my client and finally identify nursing interventions.
My client is a 55- year old male; I will call him Mr. A., to protect his confidentiality. He has been admitted to hospital due to respiratory failure and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) related symptoms, as well as a stage 3 ulcer on his sacrum. He is also an illicit drug user and has Hepatitis C. He is homeless, currently staying in shelter. Mr. A is cognitive, alert, lacks knowledge of his condition. Verbally abusive and hostile. He is not on anti-retro viral (ARV) medications. My client has AIDS progressing stage of the disease. He is scared for his life and therefore in a constant state of aggression and hostility. That was a first phenomena that I observed.
I have chosen this client and this particular situation for my paper because I and other students witnessed what I believe to be discrimination, stigma and disrespect toward my client from health care professionals. They are supposed to protect and treat patients with respect and dignity. One of our clinical days, my client had a couple of doctors coming to his room to insert lung catheter due to pneumothorax. Myself, and some other nursing students were observing the procedure. My client had a double occupancy room with a fellow neighbor. The second
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