History of Social Work: Individual Initiatives

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Introduction The social work is not a new thing in India. It has always been done, as it still is, as act of charity by the priest, the king, the lawyer, the doctor as well as by the reformers. The social work in India is an out growth of earlier forms of social activities in India. In ancient India, the nature of social service was that of charity. The social welfare activities were performed as yagnas. Buddhism had also laid great emphasis on charity. Charity was seen not only as a means of alleviating the sufferings of the materially poor, but also as the giving of the gifts especially to the Sangha. Ashoka had developed a comprehensive system of social welfare which included women’s welfare, rehabilitation of prisoners, rural development, free medical care, regulation of prostitution and provision of public utilities like roads for travelers, wells etc. During the Gupta dynasty, the Samudra Gupta had established well governed empire and the people were happy and prosperous. Welfare of the people was the main aim before him. Humayun was the first Muslim king who had made a bold attempt to prohibit the sati system. Akbar was the great ruler, who not only brought many reforms in Indian society but also abolished slavery in 1583. He introduced equality among all people 2 * Dr. Bishnu Mohan Dash, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar College, Delhi University, Delhi. 56 Origin and Development of Social Work in India irrespective of their class and religion. But the significant individual initiatives for social reform were taken after the establishment of Bramho Samaj by Raja Ram Mohan Roy. He has laid the foundation stone of individual social reform movements in India. Many of the volunteer workers developed an abiding interest in charity and philanthropic activities and thus, moved steadily forward towards the building of philosophy of social work.

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