Hills Like White Elephant Ernest Hemingway

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15 September 2010 Hills like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway Theme Essay “Hills like White Elephant,” written by Ernest Hemingway is a story about an American man and his girlfriend having a discussing about an abortion. They are sitting in the shades at a train station in Spain, waiting for the express train from Barcelona to Madrid. The story takes place in the Ebro River Valley of Spain sometime in the 1920’s. Throughout this story, nothing about an abortion is mention. The express train from Barcelona will arrive in forty minutes, and the couple are engaged in a conversation while drinking “Dos cerezas beers. The man tells his partner about a simple operation he would like her to have in Madrid, and all they do is “let the air in,” and she will be fine after. Throughout the conversation, it seems like the man wants the girl to have the abortion, and is pressuring her for an answer before the train arrives. In this story the couple is seeing life differently, one way for of the man and another way for the pregnant girl. In life, every choice one makes has a result, either positive or negative, and the consequences that comes with that choice. The way Ernest Hemingway writes this story, it is uncertain in the end as to what decision is made by the young couple. Ernest Hemingway introduces the atmosphere in describing the setting, and uses symbols to suggest that the young couple has two choices to make about an abortion. The story opens with the description of the Ebro valley river and the long and white hills. The train from Barcelona to Madrid has two directions, and the rail lines that pass by the station have two lines. The atmosphere around the station is isolated, and the discussion the man and the woman need to be resolved before the train arrives. Jig sees things symbolically; when she looks at the hills she tells the man they look

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