Health Science Case Study

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Introduction to health science Unit 9 Assignment Professional Dress 1. Do you think Mindy dresses appropriately for the medical facility? Why or why not? No I do not believe that Mindy is dressed appropriately for the medical facility. She looks like she could be going out to a club or shopping. People that would come in to a medical facility would not appreciate someone so scantily dressed. When a person goes in to a professional place they expect the employees in there to be professional. 2. Mindy is always clean and sharp, she spends way more time than most people getting ready for work. But does her personal “style” detract from the facility’s aire of professionalism? Yes even though she is clean and sharp her style takes away from the professionalism of the office. By her wearing her “stylish” clothes patients along with other professional that may come in there may think that the office does not care about who they hire or that the people working there do not know what they are doing. 3. What are your thoughts on how and why to project a professional image? My thoughts on how and why to project a professional image is to dress appropriately in non reveling clothes that cover up the body and do not show things such as tattoos, piercings or any body parts. You want to do this to project that you are a professional and not just someone off the streets. People will come to you in to your place of work to receive care they do not want to see someone scantly clothed. Non Verbal Communication 1. Do you think that non-verbal signals could have significantly affected Mr. Collin’s clinic experience? Yes non-verbal signals could have affected Mr. Collin’s experience due to the fact that if he felt that no one was paying attention to him or taking him seriously he could end up going to a different clinic where he feels that he
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