Explain How To Understand Health And Safety In A Social Care Setting

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| UNDERSTAND HEALTH AND SAFETY IN SOCIAL CARE SETTINGS | | HEALTH AND SAFETY | | UNDERSTAND HEALTH AND SAFETY IN SOCIAL CARE SETTINGS | | HEALTH AND SAFETY | SCOTTLYN September 22, 2012 Authored by: Lorraine SCOTTLYN September 22, 2012 Authored by: Lorraine UNDERSTAND HEALTH AND SAFETY IN SOCIAL CARE SETTINGS HEALTH AND SAFETY 1.1 Identify legislation relating to health and safety in a social care setting. This is covered by Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HASAWA) this act is like an umbrella that this is updated and these are the legislations around it. * Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (as amended 2002) * Control Of Substances Hazardous To Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) *…show more content…
This could be anyone who deals with the care service. They also have responsibilities to understand and comply with health and safety instructions and procedures and also to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and of others safety. 1.4 Identify situations in which the responsibility for the health and safety lies with the individual. The individual is the person that requires support and the situations could include * If they will not comply with the risk assessment procedure that is in their care plan. * They have not taken reasonable care for their own or others safety. * You may need to take responsibilities for an individual’s health and safety if the person will not comply with a risk assessment procedure and you need to follow policies and procedures to deal with this. * We must follow care plan risk assessment and health and safety procedures at all times. 1.5 Explain why specific tasks should only be carried out with special training. Everyone who is working in health and social care should not carry out any of these tasks without special training. * Use of all equipment * First
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