Hamlet Essay - Hamlet's Changing World

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Shakespeare’s Hamlet explores the struggles faced when an individual seeks to determine the truth in a world corrupted by deceit. Hamlet is a disillusioned and confused humanist trapped in an environment of corruption and decay. He experiences inner conflict as he attempts to navigate his changing world, which results in his disenchantment with mankind as his search for certainty becomes unbearable. Moreover, as a Renaissance man, Hamlet instinctively chooses contemplation and deliberation over action. He is a man who tries to discover a deeper philosophical understanding of human behaviour. However, as Hamlet is thrust into a role which forces him to act he begins to question his sense of identity. His stifling and consuming insecurities restrict him from pursuing his ‘purpose’ of seeking vengeance, and cause him to become morally conflicted. Hamlet’s failure to navigate his changing world ultimately results in inner turmoil and moral corruption by the end the play. Despite Hamlet being a sixteenth century text, the concerns of truth and deception remain relevant to any context, thus enhancing the value of Shakespeare’s work as it has the capacity to stand the test of time. Hamlet is disillusioned with the state of Denmark which causes him to feel trapped in a world of corruption and decay. Shakespeare effectively conveys his inner turmoil and consuming insecurities through the use of soliloquies. During his “oh that this too too solid flesh would melt” soliloquy, Hamlet’s discontent with his changing world is evident. He uses metaphoric imagery of corruption when describing the state of Denmark as an “unweeded garden” that is “rank and gross in nature”. The use of grotesque language such as “rank” and “unweeded” establishes Hamlet’s view of his world as being unnatural and diseased. Moreover, Shakespeare supports this occurrence of the word “rank” by employing
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