Greenleaf High School Case Study

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Judy Jones was a teacher, then an administrator, and now, she is a principal at Greenleaf Elementary in Texas. While principal, Judy’s superintendent gave her one year to turn her failing school into an academically successful school. Judy used her previous skills as a teacher, and on the first day of school; she re-read The First Days of School, but this time, she read it from a principal’s perspective. Judy told her students and teachers to work and learn positively; and they should all have high expectations for others and themselves. She strongly believed in structure and procedure. Schedules and discipline posters were posted all around the school. Every day, students start out their day greeted with a smile, breakfast, and announcements. Over time, Judy saw Greenleaf Elementary attendance start to rise tremendously. By the end of the school year, Judy saw that the only reason students were leaving school were for major reasons, such as hospitalizations and…show more content…
It is similar to the MAP test in Missouri. In 2006, Greenleaf Elementary students’ scores were between 72% and 79%. Last year, their scores had improved to 95% and above. That’s a 23% jump in just one year! She has also set up several programs for students, such as the attendance awards and the benchmark practice tests. We have had both of the programs in our district. Greenleaf Elementary also has “Adopt a TAKS Student”. This is where teachers who are not testing help students who are struggling. Judy says she will remain involved in Greenleaf Elementary, whether it is a teacher, a principal, or apart or administration. She says her goals for the Elementary school will never be reached because “effective teachers are never satisfied with their success.” However, Judy does feel successful because she knows that she has now provided students with limitless tools to success on tests and in

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