Greek Life: Positives And Negatives Of Greek Life

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Savannah Hobart Claire Sheperis Comp II Section 34 20 Feb. 2013 Positives and Negatives of Greek Life The question that many upcoming freshman is to ”become part of a greek organization or not?” As a member of Zeta Tau Alpha at Mississippi State University I have experienced many of the benefits of being apart of a sorority on an South Eastern Conference university. Greek life is often depicted and usually thought of as a giant party; however, it can create a more stable and structured environment for a college student. Greek organizations were designed to promote leadership, scholarship, and community service on campus in a network of brotherhood and sisterhood (Caron and Moskey, 52). Greek life is a great way for students to meet and…show more content…
Many people tend to take movies such as Animal House, Old School, House Bunny, and TV shows such as Greek and Sorority Girl as indicators on how life in a greek organization may appear. However, there are strick rules in greek life. Sororities are not allowed to host parties in the houses; however, they may be held at local restaurants and bars. These parites are often organized and themed parties called date parties and swaps. Fraternaties are allowed to host parties at their houses wil open bars and underage drinking. A major negative of being in a sorority is that Greek members drink in greater quantities and more frequantly than a non-Greek participant (Barry, 309). According to an article in the ”Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education,” there is a 15 precent increase in the amount of alcohol consumed by a greek student in a given week compared to that of a non-greek student(Caron, Moskey, and Hovey, 53). There is a major negative of being a member of a fraternity or sorority there is a greater pressure to consume alcohol. Being apart of greek life each chapter is kept under watch in multiple ways;such as IFC, Panhellenic, Greek life advisor, Alumni board, board of Trustees, and nationals. Each group implements a punishment when underage drinking or illegal activity becomes a problem. There has been a 5 precent decrease in the amount of alcohol students are consuming in a given week. This decrease could possibly…show more content…
There are rules such as; nos hacking, no dancing on elevated surfaces, no inappropriate tweets or Facebook posts, no double fisting, no riding mechanical bulls, and no drinking in soroity letters. Sometimes these rules can become a little aggravating and inconvienant. Every organization must obtain and inforce a set of rules to continue to be successful. There are negatives to all the rules, having every move you make watched can sometimes be aggrevating. In the long run, these sets of rules and regulations are to help better transform each girl and boy into ladies and gentleman. Also, being surrounded by the members of the organization who have the best interest of their sisters and brothers at heart can lead the sorority and fraternity to improvement and success. Most people who never pledge into a fraternity or sorority never understand the strong bond of sisterhood and brotherhood, or understand what being apart of greek life is all

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