Greek Female Stereotypes

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How Greek is She?: A Study of the Stereotypical Greek Female Abstract The objective of this study is to explore the stereotypes held by college students in regards to the traits that they believe have a significant commonality amongst college females involved in sororities. It was predicted that the most common stereotype the subjects would have about what traits the females involved in sororities would possess would be: blonde hair, and a skinny body type. Information was gathered through a survey given to 94 random college-age male and female students across the country. The participants were shown images of women depicting various test traits, and asked to rate the likelihood that the woman in the image was involved in a sorority. The…show more content…
A Study of the Stereotypical Greek Female Greek life plays a large role in college campuses across the United States, and many college students are involved in the Greek system, however not all students have a positive view of sororities and fraternities. Stereotypes of Greek students range anywhere from all-inclusive contributing members of society to skinny blonde snobby girls and athletic party boys. In 2007 the Delta Zeta chapter at DePauw University purged 23 of the 35 members based mainly on looks and social image (Adler, 2007, pp. 47). This purge embodied the negative stereotype many people see when looking at sororities. Support for these negative stereotypes was shown in Beirnat, Vescio and Green’s selective self-stereotyping study, where University of Florida students were asked to rate attributes associated with Greek life on a 1 to 7 scale. Students rated sororities in general higher then all UF students in all categories except friendly and fun-loving, including attributes such as pretty, popular, well-dressed, judgmental, unintelligent and snobby. Data also showed that “sorority nonmembers were consistently more negative towards sororities than were sorority members” (Biernat, 1996,…show more content…
The hair color that was more likely to be involved in a sorority showed to be blonde hair (87%) followed by brunette hair (79%) and then red hair (67%). See graph 5 for statistical difference. In all 3 hair colors and body types, well-dressed clothing was the most likely to be involved in a sorority (72.7%) while the grungy style had the least amount of involvement (20.3%). Although, the results show that blonde haired girls are more likely to be involved in a sorority, brown hair well-dressed girls were more likely to be involved (86%) when compared to blonde hair well-dressed girls (82%). Also, when looking at regular clothing between brown and blonde hair in relation to involvement of sorority, the margin between well-dressed and regular clothing seemed to be larger in brunettes ( 86% for well-dressed and 72% for regular clothing) than in blondes (82% for well-dressed and 77% for regular). Although these findings are small, it indicates that blonde hair despite clothing type (well-dressed and regular) were more likely to be involved in a sorority, while brunette hair girls are judged more on clothing and less likely to be involved in a sorority. See graphs 6 &7 for
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