General Psychology Midterm

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Name ____________________ Date______________________ General Psychology Study guide 1 Theory/History Practice Activity counts towards your participation grade (worth 15 pts) A person who unconsciously exhibits overly nice behavior to conceal hostile feelings is probably using which ego defense mechanism Reaction formation, the ego unconsciously makes unaccepable impulses look like their opposites. “ I hate him” becomes “I love him” Timidity becomes daring. A person who exhibits behavior that clearly shows signs of reverting to less mature stages is likely to be using which ego defense? Regression, allows us to retreat to an earlier, more infantile stage of development. Directing energy toward another…show more content…
Define Psychology- What is Psychology? What does it study? Psychology- the science of behavior and mental processes.Psychologists seek to understand and explain thoughts, emotion and behavior. What is Overt and Covert Behavior? Overt behavior can be observed by anyone, while covert behaviors can not be observed What is a Stimulus? A stimulus is an event or something that evokes a specific reaction. Ex) See a strike of lightening, Response? Go indoors. What is a Response? A response would be, going in door when hearing lightening. What are the four principles of Classical Conditioning,and explain them. Extinction- The diminishing of conditioned response; occurs in classical conditioning when an uncontrolled stimulus does not follow a conditioned stimulus; when a response is no longer reinforced. Spontaneous Recovery- A rest period, an extinguished (CR) spontaneously recovers, but if the (CS) persists alone, the (CR) will become extinct again. Generalization- Once a response has been conditioned, for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit similar response (instead of tone, us a…show more content…
| What are the three principles of operant conditioning and explain them? Shaping- An operant conditioning procedure in which reinforcers guide behavior toward closer and closer approximations of the desired behavior (Reinforcements =guide to desired behavior) Positive Reinforcements- Increasing behaviors by presenting positive stimuli. A positive reinforcer is any stimulus that, when presented after a response, strengthens the response. Negative Reinforcements- Increasing behaviors by stopping or reducing negative stimuli, such as shock. A negative reinforcer is any stimulus that, when removed after a response, strengthens the response ( negative reinforcements are not punishments) Punishment- an event that decreases the behavior that it follows. What is token

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