Gender Identity Disorder: Unmasking the Mystery

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Running Head: UNMASKING THE MYSTERY Gender Identity Disorder: Unmasking the Mystery Angela Bankhead University of Houston Abstract People who suffer from Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders (GIS) deal with adversities. Rights and values to employment, job opportunities and health care benefits are not easily accessible due to discrimination and prejudice. Here this paper will examine the psychological and sociological elements of Gender Identity disorder and how the interrelation among each other within the American culture. Gender Identity Disorder: Unmasking the Mystery America values state equality, liberty and justice for all people. For many cultural and minority groups, they do not enjoy these luxuries. This can very well be the case for people who suffer from Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders (GIS). In many cases, mainstream society and the media has yet to fully accept the lifestyles and choices of these individuals. Rights and values to employment, job opportunities and health care benefits are not easily accessible due to discrimination and prejudice. The lack of accessibility of these resources for these individual shows how American society contradicts what they claim they value so much. Here will examine the psychological and sociological elements of Gender Identity disorder and how the interrelation among each other within the American culture. Gender Identity Disorder Gender Identity disorder are people who associate themselves as the opposite sex of what they currently are. The individual feels that they do not belong in the body of the gender that they are in and are uncomfortable in their own skin. For example a man associates himself as a woman and vice versa (Munson, 2001). Common symptoms that are distinguished to the disorder occurring in children are:
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