Gastroschisis Research Paper

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Gastroschisis Gastroschisis (also called paraomphalocele) represents a congenital defect characterized by defect in the anterior abdominal wall through which the intestinal contents freely protrude. There is no overlying sac and the size of the defect uusually less than 4 cm. The abdominal wall defect is located at the junction of the umbilicus and normal skin, and is almost always to the right of the umbilicus. Omphalocele is another congenital birth defect, but it involves the umbilical cord itself, and the organs remain enclosed in visceral peritoneum, and the defect is much larger than in gastroschisis. People usually get the two confused, by not knowing the facts about them. Most causes of gastroschisis involve the small intestine…show more content…
There is no specific known cause. Unlike other abdominal wall defects such as omphalocele, gastroschisis is typically not associated with chromosomal anomalies or other structural malformations with the exception of intestinal atresia (blockage), which occurs in only about 10 percent of cases. Prenatal diagnosis of gastroschisis allows parents to discuss and plan postnatal management options with the obstetrician and pediatric surgeon. There are different methods to help manage the approach specifically designed to optimize pre and postnatal care of…show more content…
If there are no additional genetic problems or birth defects, surgery soon after birth can often repair the opening. During the fourth week of development, the lateral body folds move ventrally and fuse in the midline to form the anterior body wall. Incomplete fusion results in a defect that allows abdominal viscera to protrude through the abdominal wall. The bowel herniates the rectus muscle, lying to the right of the umbilicus. Prognosis: Current advances in surgical techniques and intensive care management for neonates have increased the survival rate to 90%, in adequate settings. The possibility of prenatal diagnosis either through echosonogram or any other method available allows the mother to be referred to an adequate center where a caesarean section or induced natural birth can be performed before term (as natural birth is recommended and just as safe as with a normal baby), preferably within 2 weeks of term, and allow the immediate surgery to be performed on the

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