Gastroschisis and Omphalocele

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Gastroschisis and Omphalocele Gastroschisis and Omphalocele are two similar birth defects but have are two very different circumstances. Gastroschisis and Omphalocele are both abdominal wall defects but have different effects on the child who has it. Gastroschisis is when a baby is born with a hole next to the umbilical cord with some or all of the intestines protruding out. Whereas a baby born with an Omphalocele has intestines and in some cases other organs, such as the liver or spleen that grew inside a skin also known as a membrane or sac inside of their umbilical cord before they were born. However there is no reason that has been found as to why these babies have these problems. However a baby born with an Omphalocele has a higher risk for complications than a baby born with Gastroschisis. Research has found that 25-40% of Omphalocele babies have other birth defects. Gastroschisis and Omphalocele can both be life threatening if gone unnoticed but if either is caught early they can be treated correctly and repaired with surgery. A baby born with an Omphalocele has a higher risk for complications than a baby with Gastroschisis for many reasons. Gastroschisis is usually the only birth defect the baby has, but it is possible for them to have others. With a Gastroschisis baby, since the intestines are exposed, they could begin too dry out, and the baby may have problems regulating their body heat. There is also a possibility of some of the intestines dying, and they will have to be removed. They also need special care to prevent infection. This usually consists of the nurses keeping the bandage around the bottom of the silo moist with Betadine drops on the gauze. With an Omphalocele baby, 25-40% of them have other birth defects. It is important that the parents do a prenatal screening when the baby is around 20 week’s gestation to find out if the baby may have

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