Gangnam Style Phenomenon

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The South Korea’s music video sensation, Gangnam Style, made it in America that set the world on fire. With its catchy dance beat and crazy dance moves, it looked like a typical Korean-pop song. But how come that unlike any other K-pop songs it became a global phenomenon. The worldwide listeners are going wild about it, even having no idea what the lyrics literally mean. However, most scenes of the music video were extremely hilarious that showcases something satirical about Korean society. When Gangnam Style became a dance craze in the Philippines, I initially just wanted to see what all the fuss was about when I came across a couple of references to the song. I assumed that it would probably just be cutesy bubblegum pop like SNSD’s and Super Junior’s. When I first found the song on YouTube, I was surprised to find a very catchy beat, along with an obviously satirical video. But with my limited knowledge of Korean culture (that mostly I get from watching Korean drama series), I was unable to figure out precisely what Psy was lampooning in the video. At first, I find the video very funny and entertaining, because I thought Psy was only poking fun at himself, and it is just all about his lavish pop star lifestyle. My curiosity continues and then my instructor shared an article about the subversive message within the Gangnam Style. Who knew that there would be a great background and history about the music video? It gave me an interest about the Gangnam culture. Gangnam Style shows the reality about how people outside Gangnam pursue their dream to be one of those Gangnam residents. The song is a comic satire about those people who bluff, pretending to be rich and trendy. In the music video, he keeps on saying that he lives/loves a Gangnam style life, but in reality, he is far from it. It reflects the society, that people are spending more than they can afford.
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