Functional Behavioral Assessment

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Functional Behavior Assessment Jenia Johnson PS410: Screening and Assessment Professor Nicholas Eckman December 23, 2013 Functional Behavior Assessment I am working as an independent behavior analyst. I frequently receive requests from various providers for assistance in the development of a behavior intervention plan for their clients. I have recently received an email from a local group home concerning a resident who is presenting significant behavior problems. Twenty four year old Jordan has been yelling out obscenities, swinging her arms in an attempt to hit people around her, using her hands to shove people around her, and throwing things to the floor several times a day. The psychiatrist in charge has requested my assistance in the development of a behavior intervention plan for Jordan. I am headed to meet with the planning committee now to explain my plans for Jordan’s assessment. Below, you will read the context of my meeting with the committee. As you have stated in your initial email to me, Jordan has been displaying multiple problematic behaviors such as screaming out obscenities, swinging her arms in an attempt to hit others around her, using her hands to shove others around her, and throwing things to the floor several times a day. I understand that these behaviors are interrupting to your other residents and very frustrating to your staff so you would like to have a plan put in to place immediately. Please understand that in order for me to develop a plan that will be successful in changing Jordan’s behaviors, I will need to find out what, in her environment, is causing her behaviors. All behaviors are a reaction to something that occurs in the individual’s environment and in order to understand a person’s behavior, I need to identify the relationship between individual characteristics

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