Trauma Based Practicum Literature Review

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Literature Review New Mexico Highlands University March 25, 2013 A social work student involved in a trauma-program based practicum where she was in charge of screening the female caretakers of children at a nationally recognized child protective center in the Bronx. She utilized a 40-question screen to complete her study. One day she met asked a woman who was in the waiting room to meet with her. She explained she was going to be asking her a few questions. As the process progressed, the woman disclosed being recently abused physically and emotionally. She would not state who her abuser was until the social worker asked if it was the man in the waiting room. The woman did confirm it was him who was her abuser. She became visibly upset and asked to stop…show more content…
They were outsiders coming in to the program which helped them bring in new ideas as well as a non-bias judgment of clients or clinicians. However, they felt not understanding the culture and history of the agency did hinder them from helping them on another level. The CRMT model was designed to be a more hands-on approach as well as a team effort for crisis-based cases. The agency has utilized the approach outside of the pilot process, but has used it for outside purposes as well as a variations made to the process to fit the agency better. It has shown the process to create an environment where staff feels safe, supported, and it feel more normalized. Bibliography Bell, H. (2003). Strengths and Secondary Trauma in Family Violence Work. Social Work, 513-522. Geller, J. A. (2004). Secondary Trauma: A Team Approach. Clinical Social Work Journal, 415-430. Hesse, A. R. (2002). Secondary Trauma: How Working With Trauma Survivors Affects Therapists. Clinical Social Work Journal, 293-309. Perrson, B. E. (2006). Burnout and Secondary Trauma Among Forensic Interviewers of Abuse Children. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal,

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