Freewill vs Determinism

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Free Will vs. Determinism Intro Determinism- belief that behaviours determined by internal/external forces.(external force could be parents rewarding you for something, making you more determined to achieve higher, & internal force could be hormones) Free will- believe although external/internal forces exist people have free will to choose behaviour The Argument Determinism: • Determinists believe that nature of universe is governed by specific laws, thus actions are caused by a specific a priori cause, human behaviour is no different. Determinists believe precise prediction of a human is possible, if current stimulus & conditioning history is known. Skinner argued that all behaviour is determined by environmental events and that humans tend to repeat behaviours that are rewarded. Skinner stated that free will was simply an illusion • Bandura, believe that behaviours weren’t solely determined by external rewards/punishments, or people would constantly change to please others. Instead she believes people have long term goals they strive to meet. Skinner only focused on external forces determining our behaviour whereas our behaviour also determines our environment. • Biological approach to determinism, the belief that behaviours are determined by genes/internal system. For example they believe it is not the fault of mental people for being ill, there biology redisposes them to certain conditions, and can’t be changed unless manipulated (i.e. schizophrenia is due to a high level of dopamine) Free Will: • Manslow and Rogers stated external forces are inaccurate & people have free will so they can choose how to behave, he believed our actions are free within a framework. • Determinism too mechanistic & unfalsifiable, impossible to believe that behaviour is determined a result of the someone not accepting themselves or others around them (with regards to the
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