Nature Vs Nurture Argument Essay

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Nature vs. Nurture Argument Tammy Boylan PSYC Liberty University My thoughts on the nature vs. nurture argument is that God created both nature (genes) and nurture (environment) and He gives us the ability and the resources to live out our lives, many don’t recognize that God is there to help them, and that He Loves them, so they continue through life without seeking Him. It is God who places each of us in our families, gives us our eye color, hair color, skin color and even the geographical location of where we are born, how we use all that has afforded to us is left to our responsibility (environment). In all that I have read so far I’ve not come across anything in this argument that includes the Spiritual…show more content…
Nurture is the cause to our behavior as well as characteristics, even though genes are what give us that certain spunk to our personalities, the environment has the power to alter it and make us into the exact opposite, as some say. “Nature vs. Nurture, Guirguis Shady; 2004” In conclusion, nature and nurture are tied in together in ways that many of us so not see, but only at times when it is pointed out to us, then we may begin to think which is which again? The nature and nurture are both very important in the study of human development, and without the other, does no justice to the creation God had made to design the human developmental process. Our genes are important because we inherit them and that makes us apart of our family, give us connection, helps us to understand what kind of person we are and even maybe why, but the environment has the influence to alter and also help to develop us in additional ways from our genetics. It is my thought that even the Bible is an environmental influence, one that can help us to become all that God has created us to be, as we willingly submit to His Truth as the Truth of God’s Word. “Who made heaven and earth,

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