Describe and Evaluate the Humanistic Approach in Psychology

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Describe and evaluate the humanistic approach in psychology The humanistic approach contrasts all the other approaches for one simple reason; this is that the humanistic approach believes that we have free will, this is because we are able to make conscious decisions for our self and chose our own path in life, and for example, the behaviourist approach is deterministic, as the environment determines our behaviour. Rogers stated that certain environments are needed in order for a child to achieve their full potential as an adult. Rogers said we need a condition consisting of positive regard. This means knowing that somebody loves you no matter what you do. He said we all need conditional positive regard from our parents, and if we did not receive this is can lead to psychological problems in our future. Humanistic psychologists try to understand behaviour from the actor themselves rather than relying on observations. Behaviourists take the phenomenological perspective, this means that they take an objective unbiased view about something, and they go about studies scientifically. The humanistic approach looks at subjective experiences people have and analyse them from their point of view. All humanistic studies are conducted unscientifically. This is a strength of this is that they are less artificial in the way they conduct their studies, this in turn makes the tests more ecologically valid. However a weakness of this is that they have no objective results and they are unable to control variables. This makes causality harder to establish and means psychologists are unable to predict what is going to happen. The humanistic approach represents the ‘healthy half of psychology’ and suggests that we are all with good intentions. Maslow regarded Freud as representing the ‘sick half’ this is because Freud said that we are born bad and constantly seeking
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