Foster Care: the Faulty System

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Noel Morris English 100 Professor Jenny Webster 6 May 2014 Foster Care: The Faulty System Many people assume kids in foster care are automatically doomed and do not have a future. It is also made known to both the youth and the public that they have no chance because of the negative statistics that are always publicized and those who are succeeding and making something of themselves are rarely heard about. Also, it is presumed that those who have been in foster care will experience homelessness, substance abuse, unemployment and other unfortunate outcomes (Facts About Foster Care, n.d.). It is the system’s fault for failing the youth and not properly preparing them for adulthood. The foster care system needs to make changes, so that youth are successful. Major changes include different care for teens from young children, better and adequate resources and support in and after care and a better experience in care because it will make transition smoother, healthier and pleasanter into independent living. The system is facing problems and it is well-known and there needs to be changes made. In her article, “Foster Care System Faces Problems,” Logan Nakyanzi explains the problems Child Welfare Services are facing. She informs the reader that there are more than half a million children in foster care, which is double of how many there were in 1980. She writes about how the system needs to make changes, so that the children spend less time in foster care. She also includes improvements people are saying could help like strengthening the communities where the children are coming from and for the system to first look for relatives, instead of placing the children or youth directly with strangers. She concludes by saying there are bright future for foster children. I do agree that the system needs to make changes. Reunification with relatives should be top priority

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