Fog City Schools: Rewards Program In School

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Instructor: Subject: - English 91 Due date: - 05/14/2012 Rewards Program in School In the United State most of school districts face educational problem that makes students fail to pass their levels. To find a solution most of school districts are trying out different kinds of methods that can change student’s attitude towards education. One of the methods that are being tried is PASS (promoting Achievement and Student Success). Fog City School district is planning to try PASS in its under-performing high schools because many of the high schools in Fog City School district have low performance of students in test scores, achievement gap and truancy. PASS provides different type of positive solutions that can help change students performance…show more content…
truancy is split in two parts. Truancy students can control and truancy students cannot control. During the past four years that 94% of the homicides that occurred in fog city were young people over the age of 25 and were high school dropouts. Students can control many issues in their lives so that they can improve their attendance. These are things like sleeping earlier, doing their homework’s, being peaceful in school so that they are not having any problems with anyone in school which could make them feel down and not wanting to go to school etc. These issue needs to be resolved because Fog City will see this number by much more because friends have influences on each other and if one drops out then the others may be influenced. There are many crimes linked to truancy “students who do not graduate from high school are far more likely to be arrested for crime and also become victims of violence” this means that not only should this issue be resolved for the sake of Fog City’s school report cards but also for the crime of the city to be reduced. (Guernsey 3) The PASS proposal may not be such a good idea because it may have negative effects on the students in the long run. According to Ripley’s paragraph 2 “Psychologists warn that money can actually make kids perform worse by cheapening the act of learning”. This means that if kids feel like they are not…show more content…
Nowadays, most of the schools are providing rewards to students hoping that they will get better results, and most of the schools have succeeded. For example, in Chicago, school paid for grades, and students got better grades and attended class more. In Dallas, paying kids for reading books made them better reader even after stopping reward. As well in Washington, they paid for attendance and behavior, and students got better on standardized reading tests. This way, researchers have found that the result of reward programs will be better for kids, especially for those kids who are struggling the most. At the same time, KIPP found that rewarding for the actions they can control, works better on kids. In the case of Fog city school district, many of the high schools have received negative accountability report cards in truancy, achievement gap and test score. It means students are not doing well, and teachers and parents can’t control them. In my opinion, they definitely should try PASS, which they are planning to do. PASS provides awards to students based on the points system, which is redeemable for cash, vouchers at bookstore, office and school supply store, and college scholarships. If Fog city school will use this program, students can improve on their performance especially on truancy issues students can control; achievement gap and test score because students will
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