The Need for the Response to Intervention (Rti) Program

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THE NEED FOR THE RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION (RTI) PROGRAM Cody Prioletti English 300 Writing In the Discipline 4/4/2014 Abstract The education system in the United States is littered with programs to help ensure that students succeed in their educational journey. Programs are available to help students with academics, financial issues, hygiene issues and counseling. Most programs are assessed annually through the utilization of tests that measure a students’ progression in academics. Each state has its own standards and measures their students’ achievements accordingly. Although well-meaning these programs can be cumbersome and are not always effective. Response to Intervention (RTI) is an exciting and innovative approach that was implemented in the public school system in the hopes of resolving a student’s educational deficiencies at an earlier age and grade level, thereby reducing the need for special education services. This program is aimed at the individual and specific needs of struggling students. RTI is structured in three tiers. At the end of each tier a participant’s academic progress is analyzed, if it is determined that farther intervention is appropriate, then, the student is moved to the next tier. Because RTI uses a unique and innovative approach to learning students and parents may feel more receptive to it. An Overview It is very frustrating for educators when a student is struggling in their academics but continues through the grade levels. School administrators are likely to recommend placing the student in special education classes. Unfortunately this cannot be achieved unless a student is tested for and labeled as learning disabled. Many parents are not willing to have their student labeled, therefor limiting the services available to them. In many instances a student may only be lacking the basic
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