Failure and Success

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Failure and Success are key stones of learning where failure teach us how to avoid that mistake again while success can teach us how to get success again and again. Failures can teach us what we should not do. Success can teach us what are the acts to stick to which lead us to a win. So we have to inculcate the habit of not becoming complacent after you attain success. Success is the result of hard work, firm determination and dedication. Sometimes, the attempt proves to be a failure. But failure is a natural phenomenon. It carries a treasure of invaluable experience. Success and failure are two facets of the same coin. Failure is touted as more powerful teachers ,they are the mirrors who show us our real face. Failure is not a fatal but it is stepping stone of success. It tells us about our weakness ,shortcomings, lack of preparation ,lack of efforts so we can learn from our shortcomings. Making a mistake is not crime , the ability to learn from it contributes to lasting success. Failures not only tell us that we couldn’t prepare ourselves up to the level of success and reveal our shortcomings, but also give us encouragement to try again with more preparations, with more labour and with more hard work. Failures are the stepping stones to success. Every successful man has failed, not once but ‘ several times, in their life, but they analyzed the things in real perspective and tried again with more vigor and zeal and got success. Failures should not allowed to create frustration, desperateness or disappointment, instead failure should be taken as a boon which give you strength to fight back with fierce fortitude and invincible zeal. A Child can seldom learn to walk, without making sustained and sincere efforts in the process tumbling and falling down a number of times. His failure never deter him to stop standing again. The doggedness in the child’s resolve lies
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