Exclamation Point Essay

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Cedrick Dave B. Cena Exclaiming Exclamation Point “A work of art which did not begin in emotion is not art”. Paul Cezanne As Paul Cezzane said in his quote, emotion is important in art. Even in the simplest expression, emotion should be always there because it create a great impact to everyone.. Without emotion, it will never be appreciated. As defined by Wikipedia, exclamation point is a punctuation mark usually used after an interjection or exclamation to indicate strong feelings. For me, I am like an exclamation point. I’m loud. I’m proud. I never had been afraid of expressing myself to everyone. Just like an exclamation point, I gave colors to my family and friends with happiness and excitement. Being raised by my parents as a happy, energetic and expressive person, I can easily make a connection to people. I can express love, hate, frustration and fear better than anyone in my family. For me, a personality that mixed up with real emotions, with no pretentions is being a person that lives and doesn’t exist only. I can get along well with others because of my initiation to make friends. I like myself to compare with the exclamation points because of extreme happiness. Happiness, because of people around me. My family, classmates and friend who never get tired of me when it comes to my naughtiness. I am also lucky to be a student of Saint Bridgette Colleges because they taught us to express feelings and knowledge through this. But sometimes others misunderstood my personality but it is fine with me as long as I don’t hurt other feelings. Maybe it was frustrating sometimes but I have to deal with it. I assure to myself that it will not affect me because sometimes their just having their own problems in life. Nothing feels good when expressing myself to everyone. It is a sign of being a healthy person. Emotions are important. They give us a

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