Last Lecture Legacy

361 Words2 Pages
Michael Tighe
Marianne Bird
My Legacy
I have thought about what stuck out at me from Randy’s Last Lecture. What I always get is the same thing, and that is not to get upset if things aren’t going your way. Make do with that you have and show others that you can still be as successful without some of your dreams becoming true. Randy Pausch’s left a legacy to his two sons and daughter for them to follow as they grow up. He left them being known as one of the nicest everyday-person to meet and how he always looked up, as he didn’t want to dwell on something that was out of his control. But what is cooler is that he wanted to leave us all something to think about and hopefully use once he is gone physically. So he decided to share his thoughts. Like he mentioned near the beginning of his lecture, “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.”
Thinking about what I would leave people is pretty tough, since I still have a lot to learn and am not wise and experienced yet. I have to work on it, but the legacy I want to leave is to find your own self-happiness so you may share that with others. Always look forward and up as you find spread this kindness, just because there is only positive outcome. I want people to remember me as someone that always seemed uplifting at the most memorable of times (all the time). Always smiling and trying to make a laugh or two. The only thing I really want to people to remember something positive about me.
Randy connected with the audience through relatable everyday instances, visuals, and interesting stories of events and dates that he experienced. He drew us in, he displayed himself that he is just an ordinary family man and relating to his level is easy to follow. People remember him still today, because he showed us bravery. Being complete accepting for his life’s turn of events and turning it into something great

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