Examples Of Scott Mescudi Narrative Essay

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Narrative Essay Once upon a time there was a young man by the name of Scott Mescudi. Scott wasn’t just an average boy, even at a young age he seemed to be different. He had special powers, powers that he tried to tell all his friends about but they never believed him. His powers were that he could fly, and the creativity of his mind was at a level that has never been seen by anyone. As he started to grow up people started to hate him more and more, Scott was never sure of why. Scott however, used to feel invincible, untouchable. This was because of his ability to fly, in fact he would just soar sometimes. Whenever he would fly and soar so proficiently he would think to himself “Sure Bet my daddy proud”. People soon became jealous once realizing the powers that…show more content…
Scott had soon become very passionate and loving to dream. He wanted to be known so he could spread his knowledge so he traveled to a place he has never been before. He began to spread all of the glorious information that he has learned on his pursuit to find happiness. However, for some reason, People didn’t like his message, they didn’t like his information. As a result of this Scott traveled back to his home town. After living back in his home town for about two years mother moon told him he had to set back out and leave his home town. He asked mother moon “Mother Moon, I’m so comfortable here, why do I have to travel to a place where people live in fear?” Mother Moon never would answer this question, maybe because she knew that Scott wasn’t ready to receive the real reason. Anyways, as Scott was on his journey again, he met a man named Mr. Rager. Mr Rager was an amazing man, he was mysterious however. When Scott asked Mr Rager where he was going, where he was headed, Mr Rager simply replied “Im off on an adventure.” This made Scott go crazy on the inside, he wanted to tag along and take the same journey as Mr Rager. Scott wanted to follow in Mr Rager’s footsteps and become as wise

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