Eth 125: Cultural Diversity

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Final Project Ronald R. Espenschied ETH/125 - Cultural Diversity January 26, 2014 Sisay Teketele Final Project The United States is truly a “melting pot”, there are many people of many different races and many different cultures with many different beliefs that causes the melting to be a slow process. There has been a lot of low points in our history and there are probably still many more to come but as a whole there have been a lot more high points. It is these high points that have gotten us as far as we have come but we are still only part of the way to a totally diversely tolerant society. What still needs to be learned is that although people may be different from one another each and every one of them has something valuable…show more content…
The key to overcoming things like discrimination and prejudice is education. The more we learn about other races and cultures the better we will be able to understand and relate them to our own culture. With this knowledge we will be able to see past the stereotypes and judge each person on their own merit. It is up to us to take actions that will increase this knowledge. We need two types of people in order to make this a reality. The first type of people that we need is people that are willing to teach others about their culture and the second type is people that are willing to learn about the cultures of others. Learning this way will help us to see past the typical stereotypes that we see in the…show more content…
Change is a difficult thing and while there still may be challenges with each challenge we gain knowledge and from that knowledge comes understanding and tolerance. It is this understanding and tolerance that will eventually lead us to our goal of a society that is based on equality. With equality comes happiness which is what each individual despite race, culture, sex, age, sexual orientation, or any other aspect of who they are all want not only for themselves but also for others. Reference: U.S. Census Bureau (2011), U.S. Projected to Remain World’s Third Most Populous Country Through 2050, Census Bureau Reports, Retrieved from
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