Essay Outline And Evaluate Psychological Therapies For Depression

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Outline and evaluate psychological therapies for depression? Cognitive-behavioural theories explain depression upon learned irrational and maladaptive thinking. Becks cognitive behavioural therapy works to challenge and alter the irrational thoughts and dysfunctional behaviour that is keeping the depression consistent. The therapist will first need to explore the patient’s background information and identify key irrational thoughts before the therapy can begin. Within the 3-4 months of therapy, it will involve behavioural activation to identify pleasurable activities the patient enjoys and try to make these activities be more consistent in their lives. To ensure that the patients are more engaged in the therapy a series of graded homework will be given with increasingly rewarding activities, and they would be required to record any negative thoughts and feelings so that the therapist can help the patient challenge and resolve them. There are 4 key steps consistent in all therapies, increasing confidence and mood, challenging habitual negative thoughts, identify the negative thoughts and finally changing key attitudes and beliefs. Rational emotive therapy created by Ellis suggests that it can be possible to replace someone’s irrational thoughts with more rational thoughts. The aim of…show more content…
Since it is known that depression runs in families, researchers have used twin pairs (which one has depression) in order to determine the likelihood of the other twin also having the same disorder (the concordance rate). Research has shown that almost 60% of MZ twins would develop the same bipolar disorder as their co-twin; this is significantly higher than the lifetime risk of developing depression however the concordance rate will never reach 100% as the twins will nearly almost share the same psychosocial experiences so genetics will not be able to provide us with a full explanation of
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