Outline and Evaluate the Biological Explanations for Depression

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Discuss biological explanations for depression (24marks) One of the most popular explanations of depression is genetics; this theory states that genes are to blame for the presence of depression. It also argues that depression, like many other illnesses, is an inherited one which runs in families. McGuffin et al (1996) conducted research on concordance rates using 177 identical and fraternal twins. They found that the concordance rate was 46% for identical twins, but only 20% for fraternal twins; these findings are significant as the concordance rate for identical twins is over double of that for fraternal twins. These findings support the biological explanation as it suggests that depression has a genetic factor. However, as all the pairs twins which were used in the study were raised in the same environment, the depression may have been learned or copied from another family member; therefore, this piece of research cannot be seen as valid. Also, this study could be said to lack reliability as it used a small sample size. Furthermore McGuffin et al’s research could be seen as reductionists as they are over simplifying the complexities of depression. In addition to this, some psychologists also argue that the genetic explanation to depression is deterministic as it claims that if an individual’s family members have depression, then they are definitely going to have depression. According to some psychologists, bio-chemicals are the root cause of depression. The bio-chemical explanation suggests that depression is the imbalance of certain chemical, mainly hormones, within the brain. These hormones included noradrenalin, and serotonin . Within the bio-chemical explanations of depression, there are three main theories. The first being the permissive amine hypothesis; this was suggested by Kety states that when an individual is experiencing depression, it is due to
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