Biopsychosocial Model Of Addiction Essay

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Addiction Addiction is a persisitent, compulsive dependence on a behavior or substance, including mood-altering behaviors or activities, despite ongoing negative consequences. Two Types of addictions: Substance addictions (alcoholism, drug abuse, and smoking) Process addictions (gambling, spending, shopping, eating, and sexual activity) There is a growing recognotion that many addicts, such as polydrug abusers, are addicted to more than one substance or process. Addictive behaviors initially provide a sense of pleasure or stability that is beyond the addict's power to achieve in other ways. Eventually, the addicted person needs to do the behavior in order to feel normal. 23% of college students meet the medical criteria for substance…show more content…
Withdrawal: is another phenomenon associated with mood-altering experiences. A series of temporary physical and biopsychsocial symptoms that occurs when an addict abruptly abstains from an addictive chemical or behavior. The Physiology of Addiction: Virtually all intllectual, emotional, and behavioral functions occur as a result of biochemical interactions between nerve cells in the body. The Biopsychosocial Model of Addiction: Theory of the relationship between an addict's biological(genetic) nature and psychological and environmental influences. The Biopsychosocial Model of Addiciton was developed to explain the complex interaction between the biological, psychological, and social aspects of addiction. Environmental Factors: Ready access to the substance or experience, Abusive or neglectful home environment, Peer norms, Membership in an oppressed or marginalized group, Chronic or acute stressors Physchological Factors may make some people more prone to addiction than others. Having low self-esteem, poor coping skills, or a tendency toward risk-taking behavioe may put you at higher risk of developing an addiction than someone without these
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