Essay On Quality Standards In Health And Social Care

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Why this quality standard is needed Healthcare-associated infections can develop either as a direct result of healthcare intervention (such as medical or surgical treatment) or from being in contact with a healthcare setting[1]. Healthcare-associated infections arise across a wide range of clinical conditions and can affect people of all ages. They can exacerbate existing or underlying conditions, delay recovery and adversely affect quality of life. Healthcare-associated infections can occur in otherwise healthy people, especially if invasive procedures or devices are used. Healthcare workers, family members and carers are also at risk of acquiring infections when caring for people. A number of factors can increase the risk of acquiring…show more content…
A person-centred, integrated approach that promotes multi-agency working is fundamental to delivering high-quality care and preventing and controlling infection. The Health and Social Care Act 2012 sets out a clear expectation that the care system should consider NICE quality standards in planning and delivering services, as part of a general duty to secure continuous improvement in quality. Commissioners and providers of health and social care should refer to the library of NICE quality standards when designing high-quality services. Other quality standards that should also be considered when choosing, commissioning or providing a high-quality infection prevention and control service are listed in 'Related quality standards'. Training and competencies The quality standard should be read in the context of national and local guidelines on training and competencies. All healthcare workers and social care and public health practitioners involved in infection prevention and control should have sufficient and appropriate training and competencies to deliver the actions and interventions described in the quality
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