Essay On Metho Drinker

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Composers uses distinctively visual elements to provoke a specific response from their audience. The visual elements draw the audience to visually and emotionally engage with the texts. This allows us to see or imagine in our own mind what's happening, and get affected by the views of the text, this allows you to remember, and change your own views on those who are isolated or outcasts of society. In both the play 'Gary's house', and poem 'metho drinker', distinctively visual techniques provoke to question ourselves and what we believe about homeless, isolated or poor people. The experience of distinctively visual in this sense in confronting. It can challenge your perspectives on aspects of life, and leave us convinced about the texts interpretations…show more content…
The visual techniques amplify our imagination to allow us to feel both pain and joy throughout. We can feel the satisfying pleasure and ruthless suffering endured by the writers addiction. Wright's graphic verbs, creeps, hides, and melt add dramatic emphasis to the powerful personification of "his white and burning girl", his addiction. This enables the audience to imagine the oppressive force of alcoholism through distinctively visual techniques. Sensory imagery in "the knives of light", demonstrate the torture of the rays of light spearing down at the homeless victims of meth. As the prays of the metho, they fear their weakness of bright lights relating our imagination to vampires, along the slightly sheltered walls, alone and cold. The alliteration in "dead dark moon", resembles the feelings of the metho drinker, and distinguishes the death he feels inside. Wright effectively convinces us through the lively language and sensory images of the impact of the pain of metho and the suffering he endures every day as an outcast of society. Pain and suffering are clearly the outcome of metho, Wright is successful in creating the reality of suffering the effects of metho, hence the poem "Metho
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