Dance with the Devil

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Identifying our deepest emotions can be an accurate way of defining what it means to be human. Our innermost feelings, however, are mainly left unshared with our peers. This may be due to the fact that our feelings or reactions towards certain issues define who we are as individuals. Striving for acceptance and maintaining the social norm, many people leave things feelings bottled up. Many individuals fear that if they pour out their inner most feelings, they are left vulnerable and exposed to being judged by others. Many music artists undermine this idea, however, because they suggest that being different is an acceptable value. The rap group Immortal Technique illustrates the deep feelings of animosity we all have towards certain subjects. People consider Immortal Technique a notorious group because they depict the evil in humanity through their expertly crafted lyrics. Considered their masterpiece, the song Dance With The Devil is a five-minute rap that describes a young man named Billy Jacobs who spirals into a world of drugs and violence due to the world’s corruptive atmosphere. Although the song is the story about one person, the message speaks to all of humanity about the extremes that result from our inner feelings of greed and selfishness. Dance With The Devil is an accurate depiction of how devilish feeling lurk beneath all individuals and we can all relate to its message by revaluating how we respond to our greed and selfishness. Many are unfavorable towards the songs graphic story as it portrays how evil and cruel humans can be. The five-minute rap is not exactly one that can be played while eating at a restaurant or going shopping. Many feel uncomfortable with grasping negative concepts of violence and mayhem in their everyday lives. As many individuals cannot relate to the violence in a physical sense, we must think of it metaphorically.
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