What Techniques Does Sarah Watts Use to Influence the Viewer to Take a Particular Position Concerning the Issues Explored in Look Both Ways?

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Writer and director of Look Both Ways, Sarah Watts employs different forms of characterization to influence the viewer to empathize with the characters experiencing personal crisis. The ingenious selection of lighting, camera positioning, settings, costuming and verbal expression set up the audience to interpret the personal crisis being experienced by the characters of the text. Watt’s specifically utilized these techniques in order for the viewer to be able to identify with the characters’ journeys, hence emphasize with their emotional crisis. Watts’ use of lighting directs the audience to visually interpret emotions. In particular the viewer’s attention is drawn to the despair resonating from certain characters. Nick and Phil are both captured in darkness, while Julia is prominently filmed under dimmed lighting. Toward the beginning of Look Both Ways the side lighting and artificial computer reflections mold Nick’s distressed facial expressions as he comes to terms with his cancer. The subdued lighting of Phil’s office is reflective of the glum atmosphere. The beams of streetlights through the windows of the same office accompany the lyrics “if I stepped into the light”, placing emphasis on his chosen isolation. Watts also uses lighting to draw the audience into the hopelessness of Julia. The side lighting sculpts the contours of Julia’s face perpetrated with pain as she conceals herself within the darkness of her home. She remains in semi-darkness as she silently stands outside in her merciless industrial suburb. In the same scene there is a light glowing from the windows in the background that persuades the audience to identify her dislocation. The warmth of the light is unreachable, as she shivers in the darkness. The lighting in Look Both Ways both literally and metaphorically highlights the personal anguish of characters and similarly allows the viewer

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