Essay On Code Of Hammurabi

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Absence of Hammurabi’s Code * Without the Hammurabi code, people will be able to do whatever that they want and won’t get fined for it. * Also according to Hammurabi if someone were to get hit by someone above them all they had to do was pay them and without that people would go around and just hitting people for no reason. * Also if someone were to break into someone’s house they won’t have to be buried in the hole that they made and they can just get anything that they want and get away with it. * The eye for and eye won’t exist, people will just have to go around and chopping off people arms or eyes. Without this people will go around and be crazy. * If stealing wasn’t a crime treated by death then stealing would…show more content…
Without this, people would probably go around and blaming innocent people about something they didn’t do and they could have died because of the lie. * Without Hammurabi code there wouldn’t be a constitution and without this law would be all over the place and people wouldn’t even know. * If someone had stolen a child then they would be put to death, but without this code people would just be going around and taking people’s children. * According to Hammurabi if someone were to commit innocent with their daughter they would be sent out of the city and without this code people would just go around and just incenting their daughter’s. * Without Hammurabi code there would be no law and without any laws there would be no order. * Without Hammurabi being born then the laws would have never existed and without them being existed then the world would go up-side down. * Without people having a motive of not doing something bad then, people won’t have to worry about law and not being caught and be able to do anything that they want. * It would have affected many by the violence rates going off the charts and everything off

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