Essay On Autism In Health And Social Care

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My understanding of Autism has changed over the years I have worked in the care profession. There is such a wide spectrum to be covered such as the Classic, pervasive, high function and Asperger’s characterisms but I feel that all bring with them different degrees of problems not only for the people who have autism but for the families and carers involved. People with autism are often diagnosed with learning disabilities because they have problems with social interactions and relationships, they have difficulty sometimes with communication, language and their imagination effects the way they think, others also have sensory issues such as sight and sound ect; Autism can have a profound effect on families, especially when it has not been recognised until the person with autism is older, the families feel responsible and feel that they have let their child down, they feel isolated and depressed and need as much help and support as the person with autism. My experience of this is with the family of a person who I support who say they are always going in a different direction than they anticipated and their life is constantly a journey to find a new way forward. Learning disabilities can…show more content…
After reading a book written by Temple Grandin and her struggle to deal with autism I have felt inspired to find out more, she said in her book that she found it a mystery how people relate to each other and always thought that they were talking in code, she also talked about the isolation she felt as a child and on other occasions she needed to have her own space but communicating this to others was always a problem so she was constantly

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